Adverb 100 words

There was a little stick man in a big forest. The stick man when to get fruit. Instantly, he was getting the fruit of the bush. mouse! The stick man screamed so loud at a big mouse. The mouse stared to chase the stick man. bank! stick man was being eaten. Stick man climbed out of the mouse and hop on the mouse back. The mouse calmed down and when to bed. so, when the mouse when to bed the stick man jump of the mouse back. And the stick man when to get more fruit. And when to bed.


were things are 100 words

In the corner of a house, in an old hole, was an old little mouse who saw a bit of cheese. But a big cat saw the mouse. The cat was on top of the cheese in the corner of the house. So, when the cat when to bed. The mouse snuck out. The mouse cradled under the cat and crabbed the cheese and ran to his hole. The mouse sat on his bed in the corner of is hole. Next morning the cat saw. cheese was gore. The cat sat in front the mouse. Hole and the mouse asleep.